If you are planning on a career or university course in the areas of Maths, Physics, Engineering or Computer Science – or if you just really love learning maths – then the Maths and Further Maths two A-level package might be for you.
This means you would study the normal A-level in Mathematics followed by a specialist Further Maths A-level aimed at bridging the gap to careers and university courses with very large maths contents. This A-level contains a lot of maths that most other students will never even need to think about but forms an essential part of higher study. If you are looking at the most selective Russell Group Universities then this may even be required as part of your offer, or just a highly desirable subject to support your application.
What will I study in Mathematics and Further Mathematics A-level?
If you select Maths and Further Maths as two of your four choices then you will get double the number of Maths lessons. As a result, we finish learning the 2-year A-Level Mathematics course by the end of the first year! For a breakdown of what is in the Maths A-Level course please see the Maths A-Level page.
In Further Maths you will then go on to study:
Core Mathematics – Complex Numbers, Matrices, Vectors, Induction, Volumes of Revolution, Hyperbolics, Improper Integrals, Polar Coordinates – the list goes on!
Further Mechanics – Collisions and conservation of energy. Contains everything you would need to model a game of Pool and work out all the complicated successive collisions.
Further Stats – Further Probability, understanding the appropriateness of statistics used. Ever wondered how people argue their data fits a given distribution? There is an actual mathematical test you can use rather than resorting to drawing points on a graph and saying “close enough”!
Entry Requirements
5+ GCSEs at Grade 4 or above from the core subjects including English Language. GCSE Grade 7 in Maths and coverage of the whole of the higher maths GCSE course.
Maths and Further Maths, equates to two A-levels, you will still need to choose two other A-level subjects.
How will I learn?
The cycle of learning for Maths is something you are probably familiar with:
- Introduction of new material – this will involve demonstration of new methods and explanation of new ideas.
- Supported practice time in lessons – as Maths is quite an active subject you do need to actually try it. Sometimes this even involves getting it wrong first. There is always time in lessons to practice new methods until you can follow them correctly and your friends and teacher will be there to help.
- Extra practice at home – regular homework assignments to practice and develop what is learnt in class. These homework assignments have video solutions to help you if you get stuck. We believe that all students should be able to complete the homework with the support available.
- Guided test preparation – we provide practice tests for all of our assessments to help you prepare for tests. It is not uncommon to find some of the new ideas and methods you meet tricky at first. We believe that tests should not be a surprise and students should have time to prepare as they would for the final exams.
- Tests – Maths tests are an inescapable part of mathematics. To succeed at A-Level Maths you not only need to have a good knowledge of the material you have learnt but also have developed an effective exam strategy to ensure you get the mark you deserve.
How will I be assessed?
At the end of the second year, you will have all of your maths exams for the two A-Levels. There are no exams in the first year. There are quite a few exams so we make sure we are finished with plenty of time to spare for revision.
A-Level Maths = 2 two hour exams on Pure and 1 two hour on Stat & Mechanics
A-Level Further Maths = 2 ninety minute Core exams, 1 ninety minute Further Stats, 1 ninety minute Further Mechanics
Any trips?
Each year we run trips to local universities to see Maths and STEM lectures in person. Most of our students plan to go to university or to an apprenticeship with some elements of further study. This year we are planning to visit the Maths in Action event at Warwick University.
Are there any costs involved?
For A-Level Mathematics you will need the following:
- A Cassio CLASSWIZ fx-991EX (or the newer fx-991 CW) calculator. This is a scientific calculator with some extended features you will not need for GCSE but do need for A-Level. This can be bought through College or independently for £23-£25.
- Basic stationery like pens/rulers/highlighters but nothing specialist like compass/protractor
- Paper for rough work – lined or square is ideal
- You may wish to purchase your own version of the formula book which you will have access to in the exam. This is available from the College for 40p.
We will provide:
- An A4 exercise book for making and retaining neat notes on the material covered in class. It is quite important to have a reference at hand for work covered in previous lessons or whilst revising for tests.
- Loan of textbooks from the College library and online access to the textbooks on devices like laptops and tablets.
- The vast majority of our resources are available online and printing them is not necessary.
No, a lot of universities see Further Maths as a fourth A-Level, one which you do to show your ability and dedication to the subject. Some courses treat Further Maths as a separate A-Level and some will only take your best grade from Maths and Further Maths. As a result, we only enrol you on Further Maths if you have two other choices that you will carry on to the second year.
You can always move back to a normal maths group in the first term. We are covering the same content albeit a bit faster. You can change to a normal A-Level group and will be a bit ahead of where they are when you join. If you aren’t sure you should start in the Further Maths group.
There is an option at the end of the first year to decide between:
- A-Level Maths and Further Maths A-Level
- A-Level Maths and Further Maths AS level
- Just the normal Maths A-Level
Awarding Body
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[112 UCAS pts. available]

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What can I do after I have taken this course?
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[56 UCAS pts. available]

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