Recently, 47 Cirencester College A-Level Geography students took their first trip this year to the University of Gloucestershire. They participated in a range of activities to help inspire ideas for the subject matter of their upcoming non-examined assessments which are worth 20% of their overall mark.
Based at Francis Close Hall Campus, the first-year students practised how to read academic literature on the theory behind their chosen subject matters and how to use said material to support their work. A highlight for the students was being able to expand their geographical and analytical skills by using the University’s geographical software.
Geography student Emma Deegan said “I found it really useful, especially the geographical software element of the morning and it made me confident about starting my NEA project”
Course Leader Thomas Seale said “This is our first trip out and it was really good to see how well engaged the students were with the activities run by the University, it gave a real help and focus to the independent investigations they are working on currently”
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